5.5.6. Other Numerals

1. The following adjectives are called Multiplicatives, formed usually with -io, and also with the derivatives of Latin compounds in -plek, fold:

semio/oiniko, single; dwoio/dwipleko, double, twofold; treio/tripleko, triple, threefold; qeturio/qeturpleko, ...  mltipleko, manifold.

2. Other usual numerals (from Latin) are made as follows:

a. Temporals: dwimos, trimos, of two or three years' age; dwiatnis, triatnis, lasting two or three years (from atnos, annus in lat., year); dwimenstris, trimenstris, of two or three months; dwiatniom, a period of two years (from lat. biennium), mlatniom, millenium.

b. Partitives: dwinarios, trinarios, of two or three parts

c. Other possible derivatives are: oinion, unity, union; dwinion, the two (of dice); prwimanos, of the first legion; prwimarios, of the first rank; dwinos (distributive), double, dwinarios, of the second rank, etc.

NOTE 1. English onion comes from Old French oignon (formerly also oingnon), from lat. unionem (nom. unio), colloquial rustic Roman for a kind of onion; sense connection is the successive layers of an onion, in contrast with garlic or cloves.

NOTE 2. Most of these forms are taken from Latin, as it is this language which have influenced all other European languages for centuries, especially in numerals. These forms are neither the only ones, nor are they preferred to others in this Europaio system; they are mainly indications. To reconstruct every single detail is not the aim of this Grammar.