6.4. Possessive Pronouns

6.4.1. The modern Possessive pronouns are:


mos, my

nsos, our


twos, thy, your

usos, your


swos, his, her, its

swos, their

These are really adjectives of the first type (-os, -a, -om), and are so declined.

NOTE 1. swos is used only as a reflexive, referring to the subject. For a possessive pronoun of the third person not referring to the subject, the genitive of a demonstrative must be used. Thus, (i) swom paterm clioti, (he) kills his [own] father; but (i) paterm eso clioti, (he) kills his [somebody (m.) else's] father.

NOTE 2. There are older Oblique singular forms which were assimilated to the thematic inflection by some Europaio-derived languages: moi, toi, soi (and its derivatives, with -s, -os, -w-, etc); they are, however, not generalized in our system.

NOTE 3. The modern forms with the adjective suffixes -teros and -eros are not systematized in this Europaio either, as they are not general to the IE III (but newer), although the forms are common to many European languages: nseros/nsteros, useros/usteros, etc.

6.4.3. Other forms are the following:

a. A possessive qosos, -a, -om, whose, is formed from the genitive singular of the relative or interrogative pronoun (qi/qo). It may be either interrogative or relative in force according to its derivation, but is usually the former.

b. The reciprocals one another and each other can be expressed by enter se or alteros...alterom:

 ei deukont alteros alteri automs (ei deukont oinos alteri automs), they drive each other's cars (one... of the other).

 ei leubhont enter se (ei leubhont alteros alterom), they love one another (they love among themselves).