2.10. Kindred Forms

Some of the most obvious correspondences in consonants between Europaio and Proto-Germanic may be seen in the following table, where Latin stays for comparison, and English for cognate words:





bh: bhrater, bher

b: brodhar, bairan

f: frater, fero

brother (fraternal), to bear (infer)

c: ca, cei

q: qiman, qius

gu/u: venio, vivus

to come (venue), quick (vivacity)

ch: lech, cher

hw/g/w: leihts, warmjan

f/gu/u: levis, formus

light (levity), warm (forceps)

d: dekm, ed

t: taihun, itan

d: decem, edo

ten (decimal), to eat (edible)

dh: dhe, dhers

d: du-, dear

f/d/b: feci, festus

to do (factor), to dare (manifest)

g: aug, gno

k: aukan, kunnan

g: augeo, gnosco

augment, to know (ignorant)

gh: ghostis, delegh

g: gasts, laggs

h/g:hostis, longus

guest (hostile), length (longitude)

k: leuk, kerd

h/g: liuhadh, hairto

g: lux, cor(d)

light (lucid), heart (core)

p: pater, septm

f/b: fadar, sibun

p: pater, septem

father (paternal), seven (September)

q: leiq, qi/qo

hw/g/w: leihwan, hwas

qu: linquo, quis

leave (relinquish), what (quote)

t: wert, treies

dh/d: wairdhan, dhreis

t: uerto, tres

(to)ward (versus), three (trinity)