Pan-European Movement and Indo-European language revival project united in a pro-European Political Party

22/12/2006 [Legacy]

The Dnghu Group has finally accepted a next step towards the implementation of Europaio as the National language of the European Union, as it will support the creation of a pan-European political party, Oinion, “Union” (website available to date only in English).

Most permanent supporters didn’t adhere to the new project, though, as they are either already involved in existing political parties or simply don’t want to go political.

The idea of mutual help among pro-European political parties and Dnghu has been a constant demand of our members in our almost two years of existence. It wasn’t appropriate, however, to request financial and political help from our regional and national governments, and at the same time criticize their linguistic and social policies, so we decided to be as independent as a pro-European group like ours could be, in the hope that this alone and our promotion of Europaio would be enough to receive proper public financing.

Professors from the University of Extremadura and representatives of regional public companies adviced us long ago to legally incorporate an association, for proper fundraising requests and tax deductibility advantages, instead of spending and requesting money privately – as a group or as a Foundation.

We believe that Europaio should be a set of grammatical rules for the already reconstructed Late Proto-Indo-European language, and such a work cannot be supported by people associated on the basis of democracy, but on the basis of meritocracy: small groups of experts are thus more indicated to develop the language rules, and that is the pattern we have followed in all of our Indo-European-based projects.

Meanwhile, some Dnghu members have requested funds and help to Indo-European departments and to pro-European associations, foundations and even political parties, but none of them had ever taken on account the possibility of a single European language, and thus none of those institutions deemed themselves adequate to fund or help us in such a project.

We have eventually decided to take a bold step forward, even before the language system is stable, and begin to propose the creation of a political party (basically an association with members electible for the government), whose main principles are “Freedom, Democracy, Laïcité, Indo-European language and Christianity”, thus trying to merge Dnghu’s Indo-European revival project with the more traditional Paneuropean Movement.

Some think this move is too risky, as it could leave us without University and regional support, and without some of our present or future supporters, who could disagree with Oinion’s ideas. Nevertheless, Dnghu remains independent from Oinion, and anyway our work is already in a very difficult deadlock, as we wait for parties and corporations to support Europaio, and they are waiting for more popular support for Europaio, what in turn will not come unless we become politically active. So, Alea Jacta Est!.