Version:1 (30 October 2017)
Modern Indo-European writing system
by Carlos Quiles
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
This is the first writing convention for Modern Indo-European that includes the Old Italic script. This proposal is an experimental one, offering a recognizable different script for the reconstructed European language.
It combines at the same time the disparate qualities of distinctness – of an archaic language compared to modern ones – and closeness – of a western European alphabet.
Read online or download
Read the latest version, bookmarked and linked:
Modern Indo-European writing system v.1.0 (1 MB)
Supplementary file for Old Italic alphabet: keyboard layout
You can download the Microsofot Keyboard Layout Creator source file.
Version:1 (30 October 2017)
- INE-eu keyboard, Microsoft KLC source file
- Microsoft KLC, free software for use with the file.

Microsoft KLC INE-eu keyboard layout
Supplementary file for Latin alphabet: Telefon
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