Doctorate in Documentation (Linguistic Thesaurus) and the final decision on public subsidies

Marà­a Teresa Batalla’s Doctorate in Documentation & Library Science, which is centered on Thesaurus software (as applied to linguistic terms), has been finished with a Honours degree, and should be read before the end of 2007.

The Spanish-only terms may be accessed at the online Thesaurus Linguistics; she hopes to get some help before (or even after) reading her work, to add more terms and to translate all of them into different languages, so that it is more useful.

About our project of teaching “European Languages” as a school or high school subject, we wanted our Regional Government to support us, if not with subsidies, at least officially; apparently they don’t want to get involved in the project until there is a real community behind it, so we’ll have to rely on our private funds again for some more months. We’ve had a tough summer of work and study, so we didn’t worked the learning books as expected, as we hoped to dedicate some public funds to work it collaborating with a private editor. Therefore, we won’t teach the subject this semester as expected, but maybe next semester or even thereafter.

About the expected collaboration with the Faculty of Library Science and Documentation (shared with Journalism/Audiovisual Communication) a judge has ruled that a part of its main building – a newer structure added to the old faculty four years ago – be demolished, as it was built without the necessary care for the historical monuments surrounding it. We will wait to see how this all ends, but taking on account that less than 10 people applied for Library Science last year (and that this year might get worse), this could be another academic year without any specifical agreement with our organization.

Our main interests right now are then based on private efforts and collaboration:
1) Promoting the language revival: sending the free books to different libraries, contacting university professors and students specialized in linguistics, etc.,
2) Writing and speaking in Indo-European: news sites, translating texts, Wiki editing, etc., so that the language shows its potential by the end of this course and
3) Organizing the efforts under a well-structured international corporation.

Your Indo-European Language Team.