Indo-European language learning and the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme

We received some days ago an informal recommendation (from the Extremadura office in Brussels) to participate in the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme : Languages, to promote the teaching and learning of Indo-European languages and its reconstructed parent language, Proto-Indo-European; that could help us receive European public funds and make our project known outside Spain.

We haven’t the necessary time to prepare such a funding project right now, and we don’t know any potential European partners – the project must be transnational. If some of you (members of high schools, higher education institutions, language associations/institutions, etc.) are interested in joining us to create an Indo-European-language-learning-project, and would like to apply for the subsidies to develop an activity, please contact us.

We could certainly engage some academic departments of the University of Extremadura and probably obtain most of the necessary paperwork for the EU prepared by their members.

You can read more about the possible actions and activities to develop as well as some examples of accepted activities here.

Your Indo-European Language Team.