Last days of old price before A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, Second Edition, is approved for Extended Distribution into thousands of outlets in the U.S.

The book A Grammar of Modern Indo-European will be approved for Extended Distribution into thousands of outlets in the U.S., including Bookstores & Online Retailers as well as Libraries & Academic Institutions.

The distribution costs will then be of 26,95$/book, so we will need to put a minimal price of 27$ (probably slightly higher), so that we don’t lose money by selling books through retailers. That means around 7-8$ more than its current retail price at Amazon.

This change will be made after the newest revision is published, with the latest changes and corrections to version 4.15. The revised version will be sent to the editor in the first days of January, and from that moment on the book won’t be available for sale. After the approval of the new version, the new price will apply.

That change in price will also be needed to publish the book in the future in French, Spanish and German, due to the higher costs of traditional distribution channels in Europe, compared to online print-on-demand publications from the U.S.

Your Indo-European Language Team.

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