Still another change in domain names' strategy: stronger shift to 'Indo-European'

As the number of visitors increases, it becomes obvious that those coming from Google searches are also becoming the majority – instead of those coming from fixed external links, which was our best source until recently. Now, even though we cannot know how Google’s pagerank (and thus search results) function, we do know that domain Read more about Still another change in domain names' strategy: stronger shift to 'Indo-European'[…]

Indo-European quick reference dictionary based on Pokorny’s Indogermanisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch

Wlqo’s Europaio version of Pokorny’s main work, Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (The Indo-European Etymological Dictionary) is now also available in the resources section of Dnghu’ website. It has been posted mainly to show newcomers how Europaio (or modern Proto-Indo-European) resembles the Indo-European languages they speak, as many people are already saying Europaio is a language system Read more about Indo-European quick reference dictionary based on Pokorny’s Indogermanisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch[…]

Indo-European translator and dictionary engine WLQO, from and into English

29/9/2006 [Legacy] The Dnghu Group has released a tryout version of future WLQO translator/dictionary at, which will include more language pairs and vocabulary for translation in the next (Alpha 2) release. You can find more information about the GPL translator/dictionary at the SourceForge project site. This unstable release has some major problems: it does Read more about Indo-European translator and dictionary engine WLQO, from and into English[…]