A Grammar of Modern Indo-European: limited copies of the first printed edition

Until recently, we didn’t deem it useful to print our material (but for ISBN and Legal Deposit issues), as our grammar was very simple and the information contained was freely copied and redistributed.

However, as our regional community is interested in offering copies of our grammar in their Public Libraries, and they’ve offered some public means to print the material, we are going to make another major release, possibly named 3.0.

Major changes will include, thanks to the help of some specialized readers (mostly scholars from Spain):

  1. Major corrections of obviously wrong reconstructions (especially from Greek and Latin), and adding of different possible reconstructions.
  2. Vowels and Laryngeals’ question (only to show how the oldest IE phonetic sounded like)
  3. Thorough explanation of IE dialects when possible, and that chapter left for the end of the book.
  4. Occlusives: palatovelars are excluded (again) from the writing system, and the reasons explained.
  5. Changes in noun declension and in its classification into different numbers, now trying to follow the Latin one
  6. A thorough revision of verbal inflection.
  7. Corrections of mistakes in English and other languages
  8. Syntax: Instead of waiting for a new big second volume, we will try to include all known common features of the oldest dialects of PIE into a small chapter.
  9. Formal issues: Notes are left for another independent (and cheaper) volume in black and white, ordered by Note number and also with PIE roots ordered alphabetically, to facilitate look up of etymologies and MIE words while reading the main book.

That book will be available first as a printed copy (some 500 pages) and possibly some time thereafter in PDF for download, and it will still have a CC-by-sa and GFDL licence. We plan to order some 50 copies, but if we receive more individual orders we will order some more – we don’t plan to earn money with this, though, so the price will be more or less that offered by the public editor.

Your Indo-European Language Team.

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