The provisional version of the series of books A Song of Sheep and Horses has been published.
They represent a full revision of the previous essays on Indo-European demic diffusion model and North-West Indo-European.
Pending a thorough revision of the archaeological sections, and of the sections on Uralic languages, I think it is more interesting to publish the text now to receive criticism and comments before preparing a printed version for sale.
This series contains the following books:
- Book 1: A Song of Sheep and Horses: eurafrasia nostratica, eurasia indouralica. The main book of the series (giving the whole series its name), it is a comprehensive review of North-West Indo-European and all related languages and dialects, offering a simple but complete view of its genealogical tree.
- Books 2 and 3: A Game of Clans: collectores venatoresque, agricolae pastoresque and A Clash of Chiefs: rex militaris, rex sacrorum. These are the archaeological and genetic supplement of sorts of the main linguistic work. It offers an approximate location of the different homelands in place and time. Like the first volume, it is centered on North-West Indo-European, so the further back one goes, the more tentative the solution is.
- Book 4: A Storm of Hordes: hic sunt leones, hic sunt dracones. Supplementary materials to illustrate mainly the second and third volumes, including comprehensive maps of cultures, peoples, and languages, as well as PCA graphs.
I will upload the first three volumes to and Research Gate as soon as possible, in case our websites malfunction.
We hope you enjoy them!
Carlos Quiles