Last days of old price before A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, Second Edition, is approved for Extended Distribution into thousands of outlets in the U.S.

The book A Grammar of Modern Indo-European will be approved for Extended Distribution into thousands of outlets in the U.S., including Bookstores & Online Retailers as well as Libraries & Academic Institutions. The distribution costs will then be of 26,95$/book, so we will need to put a minimal price of 27$ (probably slightly higher), so Read more about Last days of old price before A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, Second Edition, is approved for Extended Distribution into thousands of outlets in the U.S.[…]

Membership of the Indo-European Language Association, now without ordinary annual subscription fees

Statement by the Board, 27 Feb 2009: There has been a gross mistake in the description of the new condition for members. The ordinary Assembly General, held in February, decided in second call (Art. 20, First, Estatutes) with a qualified majority – of the members that were there with right to vote – that ordinary Read more about Membership of the Indo-European Language Association, now without ordinary annual subscription fees[…]

The collaborative textbook A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, already in pre-version 4, heading for its second printed edition

Following the initial release date previously announced, the main collaborative textbook published by the Association, A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, has entered a pre-version 4 stage, heading for its second printed edition. Appart from the expected changes in MIE concept (viz. EIE, PIH, etc.) and the correction of errors and ommissions, the structure has been Read more about The collaborative textbook A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, already in pre-version 4, heading for its second printed edition[…]

Proposals and votes in the Association, free collaboration easier with OpenID, translations and more linguistic projects

These are the latest changes and projects of the Association: 1. After debating the possibility of opening free international membership for all, restricting actual membership (with voting rights) just for local people – to compel foreigners to develop their own Indo-European language revival organizations in the different countries, instead of relying in our tiny Association Read more about Proposals and votes in the Association, free collaboration easier with OpenID, translations and more linguistic projects[…]

New Wiki websites, new language projects and change of Dnghu’s domain name language policy

The latest changes in the Association: 1. We decided to change our Indo-European Language Association domain name language policy, from a standard of “.eu” domains and translated terms written as is in the language, we want to offer a more unified writing, thus using almost only “.org” and names without dashes – but for, Read more about New Wiki websites, new language projects and change of Dnghu’s domain name language policy[…]

Brief report on the Proto-Indo-European language revival presentation in Toulouse, in the ‘Forom des Langues et Cultures du Monde’

Just as Prof. Feraud, from the Russian stand in the Forum des Langues de Toulouse, describes the event yesterday, with the public reaction to the presentation of the Proto-Indo-European language revival project: There was a good attendance to the Language Forum, maybe in the thousands. Some hundreds of leaflets have been distributed among visitors – Read more about Brief report on the Proto-Indo-European language revival presentation in Toulouse, in the ‘Forom des Langues et Cultures du Monde’[…]

Proto-Indo-European language revival in France language fair: Forum des Langues et Cultures du Monde, 1st of July, Toulouse

The Forum des Langues du Monde, organized by the Carrefour Culturel Arnaud-Bernard since 1993, is the most important language fair of Toulouse, and one of the best known in southern France. It shows the diversity of languages spoken in the region of Midi-Pyrénées – with a territory larger than 8 EU member states -, from Read more about Proto-Indo-European language revival in France language fair: Forum des Langues et Cultures du Monde, 1st of July, Toulouse[…]

Co-authoring the second edition of A Grammar of Modern Indo-European & opening of Indo-European bookstore

These are the latest developments of the Dnghu Association: 1. We have opened formally the possibility to participate in the authoring of the second edition of the book A Grammar of Modern Indo-European. We’ve added new download links, and the whole Word file might be downloaded as DOCX (original) and DOC format, and the book cover is available in Read more about Co-authoring the second edition of A Grammar of Modern Indo-European & opening of Indo-European bookstore[…]

Bible texts translated into Indo-European, new European public and universitary library donations and other Indo-European projects

These are our latest projects and developments at DNGHU: – Some Bible texts have been translated, thanks to the interest of M. Bobeck and B. Barrois – we didn’t translate the Genesis and Psalms 90 and 104, as expected, but give it some time. Available texts include the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Credo (Nicene Creed), Read more about Bible texts translated into Indo-European, new European public and universitary library donations and other Indo-European projects[…]